HIGHLIGHT From Preface and 1st Chapter Ditulis oleh: Fifi L Hadianastuti 8 September 2023 Dilihat: 1655 kali Berikut sedikit hal yang sempat saya highlight dari buku "Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 3rd Edition" dari John Ward and Joe Peppard, 2002. Kebetulan saya baru sempat baca preface dan Chapter 1 (ini pun belum selesai). 1. Information System (IS) existed in organizations, long before the advent of information Technology (IT) and, even today, there are still many IS present in oganizations with technology nowhere in sight 2. UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS) defines IS as: "The means by which people and organizations utilizing technology, gather, process,store,use and disseminate information" 3. European Union: "The term Information and Communication Technology or ICT is generally used instead of IT, to recognize the convergence of traditional IT and Telecommunication" 4. Many people find difficulty in distinguishing between IS and IT, because Technology seems to overwhelm their thinking about the fundamental information system, that the technology is to support 5. The sooner firms stop being distracted by the hype of new technology, the sooner they can focus on the key strategy lessons that business experience of the past couple of decades has taught us Semoga bermanfaat yaa.. Terimakasih telah membaca Referensi: Ward, John and Peppard, Joe. "Strategic Planning for Information Systems, Third Edition, Wiley, England, 2002