THE ROLE OF AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY FOR A NATION Ditulis oleh: Aam Alamsyah 29 October 2021 Dilihat: 3187 kali The role of automotive industry is not only for producing a car. It is, in fact, a sign of the advancement of technology and the prosperity of one nation. Therefore, until now, there are only few countries in the world, which are able to produce a car and are confident enough to sell... Baca Selengkapnya
PARAGRAPH AND ITS STRUCTURES Ditulis oleh: Aam Alamsyah 22 October 2021 Dilihat: 4305 kali Today, we have learned paragraph, some parts, which are important to support the paragraph, and ways to improve the understanding of a good paragraph. Please, do your assignment in our blog so that the other students can possibly use them as references or examples of text whenever... Baca Selengkapnya
THE CARS, THE PRICES, AND THE PRIDE Ditulis oleh: Aam Alamsyah 8 October 2021 Dilihat: 2841 kali Basically, everyone wants to own the car. However, having a car is not easy. There are many factors that make cars become more expensive and out of the rearch of the ordinary poeple. This article is written in short so that the reader can learn and understand the important meaning of having a... Baca Selengkapnya
THE ROLE OF ENGLISH IN AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Ditulis oleh: Aam Alamsyah 1 October 2021 Dilihat: 2840 kali This article is written to help improve your understanding toward the role of English in today's world. The use of English has been significant, especially in business and industry, including automotive. This is due to the consideration that basically the producers, business people prefer to... Baca Selengkapnya
PARTS OF SPEECH Ditulis oleh: Aam Alamsyah 24 September 2021 Dilihat: 4214 kali Basically, parts of speech are words, which are commonly found in one sentence. However, since the words are usually varied, identifying the different words or constituents are very important to make someone's communication more natural and meaningful. For instance, we will certainly prefer... Baca Selengkapnya